PX to REM converter is the perfect and accurate online PX to REM conversion tool.
How to convert Pixel to REM?
“PX” and “REM” are both units of measurement used in web design to specify the size of elements on a web page.
To convert PX to REM, you can use the following formula:
rem = px / base font size
Where “px” is the number of pixels you want to convert, and the “base font size” is the font size that is set as the default for the entire web page. For example, if the base font size is 16px, then:
rem = 10px / 16px = 0.625rem
In other words, 10 pixels is equivalent to 0.625 rem when the base font size is 16px.
PX to REM Conversion Table
PX | REM |
1px | 0.625rem |
2px | 0.125rem |
4px | 0.25rem |
8px | 0.5rem |
12px | 0.75rem |
16px | 1rem |
20px | 1.25rem |
24px | 1.5rem |
32px | 2rem |
40px | 2.5rem |
48px | 3rem |
64px | 4rem |
96px | 6rem |
128px | 8rem |
160px | 10rem |
176px | 11rem |
192px | 12rem |
208px | 13rem |
224px | 14rem |
256px | 16rem |
320px | 20rem |
480px | 30rem |
576px | 36rem |
768px | 48rem |
800px | 50rem |
960px | 60rem |
992px | 62rem |
1024px | 64rem |
1120px | 70rem |
1200px | 75rem |
1280px | 80rem |
1440px | 90rem |
1600px | 100rem |